Stone Age // primal marks made on a slab of stone using the reddish/brown pigmented colours of the era.

Ancient Egypt // hand-painted hieroglyphics on Papyrus, with the quote translated and written vertically as was the writing system
of the time.

Ancient Greece // Greek lettering, the first in Latin script, engraved into marble (ideally, in reality cut out and layered with marble
effect card).

Medieval era // hand-lettering and decoration with inks on aged paper, with special emphasis placed on the gold border and intricate first letter similar to illuminated manuscripts.

Tudor // hand-embroidered Tudor lettering accompanied by the Tudor rose.

Georgian // the first printed type, centrally aligned with a mixture of serif and script fonts split up by rules.

Victorian // similar to posters of the time with hand-drawn and coloured lettering of various sizes, with a gothic circus feel.

1920s, Art Deco // geometric, gold and black arrangement with Art Deco typography.

1970s // curved edges and lines with 'groovy' type and hand-coloured lines.

2010s // modern arrangement of type using digital manipulation software such as Illustrator, emphasising the colour, shadowing and irregular compositions made possible by contemporary technology.