"Vitathlete" is a new desktop and mobile website that allows sportspeople to identify the best vitamins for their own personal fitness goals in the aim of improving their sports performance and additionally informs them of the legal requirements surrounding supplements in their sport.
Thorough user research and competitor analysis for this project allowed me to develop an original concept, addressing a gap in the market and solving a problem for the target users. Understanding the user journey was crucial in providing page flows, with the design being based on the content. Calls to action, changing states, navigation and iconography were carefully considered.
Desktop prototype: https://projects.invisionapp.com/prototype/ckm6a3ysu009nr1018n92efxu/play
User journey: https://youtu.be/NF9KgfFCBtM
User journey: https://youtu.be/NF9KgfFCBtM
Mobile prototype: https://projects.invisionapp.com/prototype/cklz2n5dy001z7401thb8s49i/play
User journey: https://youtu.be/q4HsZAQaJ78
User journey: https://youtu.be/q4HsZAQaJ78
Original illustrations taken from: https://thenounproject.com/

User research

Design justification // pages from the accompanying report for this project, showing user research, user testing and design development.
Desktop // the user journey through the site.
Mobile // the user journey through the site.